Caring Hands Advisory Group
Ensuring our customers are heard and supported

Ensuring our customers are heard and supported
Customers are central to everything we do at Southcare and we value our customers, and family members, feedback and views to deliver the best quality care so our customers can focus on living their best lives.
The ways in which we listen to our customers is by asking – care reviews, via feedback channels, annual survey and Caring Hands Advisory Group to share feedback, suggestions, ideas and concerns so that we can continue to provide the exceptional service that our customers need and deserve.
We love feedback, so click here to let us know how we are doing in supporting you.
Say hello to our Caring Hands Advisory Group
The Caring Hands Advisory Group (CHAG) supports the delivery of quality care and services with customers being central to these. The members use their caring hands to share their lived experience, ideas and opinions to help improve Southcare’s Community Home Care services and guide the approach to future services.
The CHAG is made up of 13 members; Southcare Community Home Care Manager and customers representing different care package types and services, and backgrounds of nursing, sports, community and advocacy, public services, social worker and volunteering.
CHAG recommendations are reported to the Southcare Quality Care Advisory Group and Southcare Board for consideration and involvement in the design of new service options and decisions.