Our caring hands are pleased to welcome you to a free workshop specifically designed to empower our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community on Tuesday 4 June.

Join us and the team from Aboriginal Family Legal Services (AFLS) who will help you understand:

  • Family law: gain knowledge about your rights and legal options concerning family matters
  • Child protection matters: understand the support available to navigate through child protection issues
  • Family Violence Restraining Orders (FVRO): learn how AFLS can assist in obtaining FVROs to ensure safety for you and your loved ones
  • Redress support: explore avenues for seeking redress and justice in cases of past injustices
  • Social support and more: discover the comprehensive range of support AFLS offers beyond legal assistance

Details for the workshop are as follows: 
Free event 
10am – midday 
Tuesday 4 June 2024 
Southcare, Helen Moore Centre (Educate Space) 
52 Bickley Crescent, Manning 
Morning tea will be provided  

Aboriginal Family Support Officer Beverley says the workshop is a welcome and inclusive space where you can learn and be supported.

“Come and have a yarn and see what help is available to you, especially if you are facing challenges such as family and domestic violence.”

“AFLS is here to provide culturally safe services that cater to the unique needs of our people,” she said.

“We want our community to know that they are not alone. AFLS is here to walk alongside you, providing the support and guidance needed to navigate through difficult times.”

Tickets are no charge but must be booked for catering purposes.

Register now!